Camino de Santiago – a typical walking trip

A typical moderate walking trip for the final 270km from Leon is:

  • Day 1. Meet in Leon by 2pm and go on an organized tour of the old area, visiting its splendid Cathedral and the San Isidoro Monastery.
  • Day 2. San Martin de Camino, 22km, mostly flat. Or go via the alternative camino to Vilar de Mazarife.
  • Day 3. Astorga, 22km, small hills, lovely rural countryside.
  • Day 4. Rabanal de Camino, 20km.
  • Day 5. Molinaseca, 26km. On arrving at the Iron Cross, pilgrims typically drop a stone brought either from the flat lands near Leon, or even from there own country!
  • Day 6. Villafrance del Bierzo, 30km, mostly flat.
  • Day 7. O Cebreiro, 30km, all uphill, gradual until the final 8km which is steep for a few kms then less challenging.
  • Day 8. Samos, 29km. Visit the famous monastery.
  • Day 9. Sarria, 14km, an easy day!
  • Day 10. Portomarin. 21km. Slowly uphill the first 12km then down hill to the bridge below Portomain.
  • Day 11. Palais del Rey, 24km First 12km are slightly uphill.
  • Day 12. Ribadiso do Baixo, 23km. Small hills.
  • Day 13. Arco do Pino, 21km. Small hills, nice Eucalypt forest!
  • Day 14. Santiago! 22km. Finally there! Go to the Cathedral! Stop at Monte de Gozo de see the view before entering Santiago.